Friday 11 December 2015

The Gaming News

We Know thats over of 2015, So we decided to match up the list for the Most Disastrous games of 2015!
Sit Back Relax,

  1. Battlefield Hardline : Words are not enough. They Just repainted the battlefield 4, and yeah also they frekin removed some vehicles, rocket launchers etc, for the first time any Cod was better then Battlefield.
  2. Elders Scroll V Shitrim, : better call it shitrim rather then skrim
  3. Playstation 3
  4. call of duty Advance warfare
last but not least, Coddy woddy woll woll!\

ello guys,

You know, lot of CPM networks not accepts autosurf (fake) traffic anymore. But i can still find working ones :) Here is the method:

For this method, you need some things:
* A Hitleap Regular / Premium Account or / Jingling / BestPTP (for traffic)
* A Website (or more, more is better) with your own or on a very good hosting.
* A Blogger Page Is Also A Solution ( Yeah, you don't need to use your own hosting )
* And the CPM company for ads. Which is & CPMFix & Also Adhexa

** For Hitleap REF :) / NON REF:(
** For Websyndic (Extra Traffic) REF:) / NON REF:(
** For BestPTP (Too much traffic, perfect ratio!) REF :) / NON REF :(
** For REF:) / NON REF:(
** For CPMFix REF :) / NON REF :(
** For Adhexa REF:) / NON REF:(

Create a blogger page, write down a related information inside of it.
Example :
* Then add CPMFix Banner ad to the top gadged. You can also add one more to another gadget.

* Add one 320x250 Tag from Adhexa (most profitable)

* And finally add 1 ad tag from to any gadget. MediaCPM's ads are not visible but they pay (i really don't understand how :happy:). ***MediaCPM ads will be active when they accept your site. So, maybe a non suitable blogspot page cannot pass the control.*** Payment proof is added at the Payment Proofs section. LINK

UPDATE: For Adhexa, you can use Websyndic for very high count! If you want to use Websyndic you can only use Adhexa for now. Sometimes they don't accept other CPM networks.